Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Licorice Pizza

If I had my druthers, I would have renamed this film “Fat Bernies”.  Licorice Pizza is a record store to my mind, but that’s because I was in my 20’s during 9/10th’s of the ‘70s in California and I remember what it was like to be an awkward adult. I still feel like an awkward adult sometimes, but I’m getting better at this now that I’m getting closer to my life goals.  Hair-brained, money-making schemes abound.  26 year old women do not get or should I say, should not get involved with guys who have the maturity of a raging hormone.  Our heroine, Alana, is a total 70’s girl from the spilt down the middle super straight hairstyle to her halter tops and the fringe on her bell-bottoms.  I know this earned a Best Picture nomination, but I’m still scratching my head wondering why.  I wasn’t convinced of anything, least of all what the point was.  Maybe it’s just me…nah, it sort of lacked a real direction and I found my mind wandering (always a bad sign for a film).  I really wanted to love this film, too, but it just boogied on down the Ventura Highway and off into the sunset backwards in a moving van (incredible driving scene, on the level of Bullitt, but much slower and not as cool of a vehicle.)  Rating:  a cold waterbed, Puka Beads, if you’re looking for a deal – Go See Cal.

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