Tuesday, April 5, 2022

King Richard

 So now that the Oscars for this are over and “King” Will has made his claim as Best Actor, I’m going to address the elephant in the room.  What The Actual “F….”.  As a film, I understand what Mr. Williams was trying to achieve with his 78 page plan to make his daughters the best of the best in the tennis world.  He could have chosen any sport, actually, and used his method to make them champions, and apparently the results would have been the same for Serena and Venus.  This writer, however, was a bit tired when I started watching and basically fell into a dead sleep, which I rarely do, and woke up about five minutes before it was over.  The performance by Mr. Smith could have been on the level of Olivier giving the “Poor Yorick…” speech in Hamlet, and it wouldn’t have made a difference to me.  So that being said, I’m giving this a Rating of:  Love All, Set. 

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