Wednesday, April 20, 2022


So I could do one-liners for days in regards to this epic undertaking, here’s a few:  “Duned, we’re duned I tell you”, “Spice, don’t it make my brown eyes blue”, “What’s a nice girl like you, doing in a place like this and is that a ceremonial dagger in your hand or are you just glad to see me?”, “Don’t talk about my mother, she’s not a witch, she’s a Benedict Sazerac or something like that, I don’t speak Ferenghi”, “If only I could tell what you’re thinking…oh yea, I can”, “care to take a dip in my oil fountain, it’s so relaxing and gloppy”, “nobody likes me, everybody hates me, think I summon a big-ass worm”, “when I come out of this big vat of stuff I’ll be a beautiful butterfly, or not, but I’ll get a rise out of the experience”. 

Okay, here’s what I really think of Dune.  Oscar Isaac is getting better and better with each role.  Jennifer Ferguson is almost too young to be Timothee Chalamet’s mother.  He’s 26, she’s 38, do the math, she’s a consort, not Sadie, Sadie, Married Lady, but she’s a good role model for the young heir apparent.  The issues in Dune are no different than the issues in the world today, only it’s on another planet with very greedy beings, I won’t say humans because they’re not.  I get an Avatar vibe with several characters who could easily transition to Star Wars or a Lord of the Rings in Outer Space series just like the melding of Marvel Comics and the Avengers.  Little bit of Thor, The Fifth Element and a dollop of Lawrence of Arabia.  Oh, and his mom is a Bene Gesserit, whatever that is/was in Frank Herbert’s mind.  They have the coolest dragonfly helicopters.   In any case, looking forward to the continuation as we’ve only briefly covered the base of the book, we haven’t even come close to the Ridem’ Cow Cat moments in the first film.  Rating:  Kyle McLaughlin, Sean Young, Jose Ferrer, and Sting – Four stars in a three star solar system.  Yi-hah.    

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