Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Don't Look Up

Armageddon lite with a bit of Walle and a skosh of every space disaster film you’ve ever seen. It’s the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine, but seriously. How in the actual heck did this get nominated for Best Picture? What is up people? Ran out of ideas on how to destroy the world and include the former administration and a reasonable facsimile of he who shall not be named and his little dog (I mean, son), too. I think QAnon may be using this script as a guide. That’s scary and the thought that you can make people drink the purple Kool-Aid is one of those things I don’t ever want to experience again. Overall, I would say the best was left for last, so if you don’t mind waiting for the punchline, we have your winner, winner, last chicken dinner. Rating: Fox News, minus the truth.


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