Thursday, December 28, 2023


If I had to choose between the three film interpretations of Roald Dahl’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, I’d have to say for story itself, I choose the Gene Wilder classic.  For pure imagination and the warm uplifting comfort feeling you get after having the best cuppa chocolate ever…Wonka.  It’s a new story using the book as a character base and expanding on the principles of setting positive goals, kindness, working together and being a part of the community/family.  It’s, to put it succinctly, fun.  It has danger, mystery, silliness, magic, love, and hope.  It’s visually stunning, a fantasy, but oddly believable.  Timothee Chalamet fills in all the checkmarks—sings, dances, acrobatic, and he can act (I believed he was Willie Wonka, just as I did when Gene Wilder played him so many years ago).  Rating:  4 stars. An ever loving gobstopper of a film, can’t wait to own it.

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