Friday, June 16, 2017

Wonder Woman

This is a special treat for me, as I have a bit of a personal link to the original Wonder Woman, Lynda Carter.  Ms. Carter was filming a movie in Seattle in the now defunct Public Safety Building.  My father was a bailiff in municipal court and took the elevator with her during the filming.  She was very kind to my dad and he was given a personally signed photo from his encounter with her.  I have that photo and to tell the truth, she hasn’t changed a whole lot from when it was taken. 

Being that Wonder Woman is pretty much immortal, it was no wonder to me that the character transitions from WWI to present day with little effort and absolutely no change in physical attributes.  She tests her limits, is fearless, a powerhouse on the battlefield, empathetic, compassionate, logical, and curious.  I would vote for “Stronger” (see Kelly Clarkson hits) as a theme song for this Amazon Warrior Princess.  It certainly fits.  That being said, the film is spectacular. 

Gal Gadot is amazing as Diana.  It’s almost as if the role was custom written for her.  She looks comfortable in the red/gold/blue ensemble and carries off evening wear like a runway super model.  (I think I have a great idea from this for next year’s Oscar party.  It involves gold cardboard.)  It could be the training for Miss Israel and the two years of mandatory military service that secured her place in the spotlight.  She shines alongside Chris Pine aka Captain Kirk in the Star Trek reboot) and was, amazingly, pregnant for most of the filming, but you’d never know it.  Oh the wonders of trick photography, green screens, and really top notch hair, make-up and costuming.  The other Amazons are nothing to sneeze at either.  Most notably, Robin Wright and Connie Neilsen, who are “aunt” and “mother”, respectively, to little Diana; they do more to shape her both physically and mentally to meet her fate than any boot camp on earth could.  This is epic because we finally get to know where Amazons come from, since there are no men on the island. 

Far-fetched as this story may seem, it’s no more fantastic than other films that have been pulled from the pages of DC and Marvel Comics.  I’m looking forward to more adventures with Wonder Woman in the lead.  I bestow the rating of the highest order on this Princess of Power…4 stars!

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