Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Beauty and The Beast - 2017

No one spits like Gaston…he’s especially good at expec---torating and there’s no Fou, like Le Fou as portrayed by Josh Gad.  This is, in one word, delightful.  I’m a Disney fan from the word “go” and I’m excited that I don’t have to wait very much longer for a copy of this tale as olde as tyme.  The talent taking this from animated to live action is perfect.  Even if Emma Watson and all of the others lip synched or were auto-tuned to perfection, I don’t think I would have cared.  I was just glad to see a Disney “princess” portrayed as a strong person of character.  I’ve never seen any films with actor Dan Stevens, however, I do know him from the Downton Abbey Series and was quiet surprised that he was chosen to be The Beast.  It was a good choice.  The animated version was heavily computer-driven and, as you may expect, this version relies heavily on special effects, seamless CGI, and the ability of the voice actors to convincingly portray inanimate objects being decidedly animated.  I’d like to compare the two, side-by-side, scene-by-scene as both are Disney driven, just like The Jungle Book of last year and its counterpart back in the 70’s.  The production numbers are spectacular.    I was particularly pleased to see Kevin Kline as Maurice. Belle’s father, and I think it’s safe to say that not all, but most of the productions he’s associated with, are top-notch.  So, put the kettle on and be our guest for an experience you won’t forget….Rating:  4 stars

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