Monday, March 6, 2017

Doctor Strange

As my ex would say, you have to believe we are mačke (that’s a pun son in Croatian and it translates to “cats” not “magic”)—enter Stephen Strange, an uptown arrogant neurosurgeon, Benedict Cumberbatch, who has finally portrayed a character that I like.  Not as the bullying, self-absorbed doctor, but as the human being who has a come-to-Tilda Swinton meeting of the minds, so to speak, in this latest Marvel stunning live action comic book.  I found myself watching it over and over again in amazement.  It has all the elements of a top-notch fantasy science fiction martial arts superhero film (say that fast five times).  I’m used to the velvet voice and I’ve seen that he’ll be doing the voice of Shere Khan in yet another version of The Jungle Book (excellent choice).  He has the same tone that reminds me of Jeremy Irons (I could listen to Jeremy read a phonebook and never tire of it).  Since I’m not a comic book reader, I wasn’t aware of the backstory of the good doctor, nor that this is a part of the ever growing Avengers series.  I’m a convert for more and I want it now.  A little bit “Inception” with a bit of The Avengers, Thor, Captain America, and the Karate Kid (on steroids) thrown in for good measure.  The supporting cast is tight, the effects are spectacular, the costumes, make-up and stunts are amazing, and the dialogue ain’t bad either.  Time means nothing and never will again, at least not in this multi-Marvel-universe.  Rating:  thumbs X ∞  

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