Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Rogue One

Yesterday, I fulfilled one of my movie bucket list desires.  I saw the film Rogue One.  I had been wanting to see it since the opening day, but as time would have it, I needed to be other places before I could get to a theater.  Here’s my two and a half cents take on, what I found out this morning, was the most ironic of days to review this gem.  There are a whole bunch of twists and turns that really makes me want to, no, need to, see it again, possibly several times.

This is the glue that holds the Star Wars saga together.  As the theater manager said before the film started, the good news is, there is no Jar-Jar Binks, to which, an audible sigh of relief was heard from the crowd.  Due to the fact that it was Christmas Break, we were also treated to the ads that were shown during the Star Wars Holiday Special.  I’d love to have a copy of that film, no matter how bad it was, however, I do have some of the toys that were issued and shown in the ads.  That was something I didn’t expect and realized that 95% of the audience wasn’t even alive when the first (but now should read as Episode V) film made its way to the big screen in 1977.  Yikes, that’s forever and a day in most people’s books, but I digress.  You want to know about this film and why you should see it. 

My only real criticism is that it took me a while to understand the back story and warm up to the characters.  More input, please.  Once I got that foothold into the imagination of George Lucas and understood what the point of the film was, we were back in the saddle and galloping on into Space, the Final Frontier (yes, I know that’s Star Trek, but it’s so fitting) and looking for a way to stop evil from dominating the universe.  Someday, when the series is finally complete or before I’m too old and feeble to hold my head up and watch a movie (hint, won’t happen in my lifetime, even if I’m blind and deaf), I will watch from the first to last episode in the proper order, of course.

Felicity Jones and Diego Luna are the champions with Donnie Yen, Forest Whitaker, Alan Tudyk (voice only) and a cast of thousands, who, by a series of Force-u-nate events carry-on the work of the Rebel Alliance.  Of note, Mr. Tudyk has a lovely turn as the voice of a snarky robot (seems reasonable), he does snarky so well, reminds me of the PG rated Iron Giant.  In any case, you’ll be wowed by the special effects and I’m not just talking blowing things up or traveling at hyper-speed.  This is an amazing film.  It’s not “tidy”, it takes big risks, and brings the meaning of the Force into full play.  In other words, how in the heck can you call yourself a Star Wars Fan if you don’t see this film?  Rating:  3.75 Light Sabers  Rest in Peace Carrie Fisher. 

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