Tuesday, March 21, 2017

La La Land

I know it doesn’t seem like a big thing, but here we have a musical film that harkens back to a time in one’s life when all of your decisions seem to focus on what you’re going to be when you grow-up and start making your mark in the world.  For Mia (Emma Stone), it’s acting and making it big in the business.  For Sebastian (Ryan Gosling), it’s owning a “pure” jazz club where he’s in charge.  Having dreams and being able to fulfill them, doing what you love so it’s not work, that’s the ultimate goal in everybody’s life.  This isn’t the 850-thousanth remake of “A Star Is Born” (I’ve been told that’s probably coming), so you don’t need to pack a handkerchief.  It’s an original story, but also familiar with a twist.  The dancing and singing is borderline silly, but it’s really a translation of the heart more than anything.  What does your heart tell you, what do you feel in your gut?  Do you have the courage and the determination to really go for that brass ring or do you just give up and turn in all of your chips and become something you really don’t want to be just to keep a roof over your head, clothes on your back, and fed?  The chemistry between Ms. Stone and Mr. Gosling is undeniable and seeing them dance and sing is a lovely change from the usual relationship films that have so much emotional baggage, you can’t understand why these two people ever got involved in the first place.  I liked the sets, the feel of the film, the costumes and the spontaneity of the characters.  The songs seem destined to become classics.  The writing and direction are spot on for this freshman effort.  I’ve always wondered when I see something from a first time director/screenwriter, is it a fluke or is this the start of a crazy successful career.  We’ll have to wait and see, but for now, here’s to the lovers, the dreamers, and those who take the leap of faith to make it against incredible odds.  Rating:  3.7 stars.

1 comment:

  1. Agree on all points! Graceful dancing, decent singing, delightful art design, great acting by Stone especially. I want to see it again!
    - Tracy H
