Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Get Out!

The film is billed as horror/mystery and rightly so.  It’s sort of one of those cases where you have to wait for the other shoe to drop before you start sweating and developing a feeling of “wait, what? Oh hell no!”   From the get-go, if you have a significant other who invites you to meet the folks for the very first time and you have any apprehension about it, wait for that feeling to dissipate before you agree to go.  Also, do a thorough background check before getting inextricably involved with that significant other.  It may sound unromantic, and yes, it is, but these days you can’t be too careful.  That being said, the premise of this film would be a total spoiler should I give you more details than this.  Think with your head, not your heart.  I do want to commend all of the actors in this film, especially Allison Williams and Daniel Kaluuya as Rose and Chris, if I didn’t believe they were a couple, you would have lost me in the first 10 minutes.  That, my friends, is the kiss of death.  My recommendation would be to rent it, watch it during the day and not alone.  Rating:  3.75 stars.

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