Thursday, January 25, 2018

3 Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri

So many relationships, so little time.  The first thing I want to say is this is not Frances McDormand as Margie Gunderson Part Deux or even closely related to the film “Fargo”.  This is Mildred Hayes, divorced mother and gift shop owner in a small town in the heart of ‘murica, who lost her daughter some 7 months prior to an unsolved brutal rape/murder.  The inhabitants of this “quaint” little town have issues just like everybody else.  The community is extremely small and people don’t want to be bothered by somebody raising a red flag that the job the local police force is doing is insufficient.  At the heart of this film, is the determination of Mildred to find answers, the redemption of Dixon (a clearly bigoted deputy who lives with his even more clearly bigoted mama), and the Sheriff, whose name takes the blame for the complete lack of resolution of the case.  Regrets abound, along with revenge, as a top priority for several of the parties involved.  It’s not a peace, love and understanding message we’re given, but a great attempt is made and those caught in the cross-hairs are in for a big surprise.  So, on that happy note, I’ll just say, see the film, always kiss your kids goodnight (figuratively if you can’t do it physically), trust your gut, be kind—always, guns don’t kill people, people with guns kill people, and go big or go home.  Rating:  4 stars 

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