Friday, December 13, 2013

The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty (2013)

After watching the original 1947 film starring Danny Kaye, I would have to say this is about as far away as you can get, but apparently fairly close to the story by James Thurber that both films are based on.  Walter works for Life Magazine as an asset negative manager (or is that negative asset manager?).  He’s played here by Ben Stiller, who delivers the goods with just the right amount of hesitation, hands thrown up in the air, and head smacking realization.  Kristen Wiig, Patton Oswald, Shirley MacLaine, Sean Penn, and a truly nasty Adam Scott are the people in Walter’s life that spur him on to give his life a real purpose.  This is a very funny, quirky, beautifully filmed and awe-inspiring movie.  You'll definitely want to watch it more than once.  Rating:  tapockata, tapockata, tapockata, tapockata

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