Thursday, January 11, 2024


There’s a song by Randy Newman titled “Political Science”.  This wasn’t played anywhere during the film, but it readily popped into my twisted little head while I watched.  Being born after WWII and spending my grade school years learning about atomic and hydrogen bombs, practicing duck and cover, waiting to go home after a simulation on an extremely packed yellow school bus, doesn’t make it any easier to justify why any country would build this implement of destruction.  Think about it and I’ll guarantee you’ll get a huge moral headache.  However, it happened and even though we can’t turn back time, we live with the consequences.  As a film, it’s damned near perfect.  Cillian Murphy, Robert Downey Jr., Florence Pugh, Emily Blunt, and Matt Damon deliver the goods hands down.  Hopefully, there won’t be a sequel, or if some idiot thinks there should be, they really didn’t get it and should not be allowed to make films in the future.  Seriously.  Rating, one potato, two potato, three potato, boom.  4 stars

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