Monday, December 5, 2022

Everything, Everywhere, All At Once

Michelle Yeoh is, without a doubt, one of the best martial arts practitioners, ever.  She made Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon look like a walk in the park and in EEAAO, she even tells you she's really good and proves it.  Her role as wife, mother, daughter/caregiver, laundromat owner and unexpected savior of the multi-verse is mind-boggling and you'll either want to see it again to figure it out or run screaming into the night with a large unexplained craving for hotdogs and a googly-eye bindi.  

After the initial viewing, this writer was left with a feeling of deja vu ala Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, the family version without lab-work.  I've heard of tripping on LSD or taking a magic mushroom trip and that it can really set your brain in another not so normal direction...this film personifies what happens when stress reaches a boiling point and blows the lid off a once semi-complicated existence.  The answer to life is fairly simple, but the method of reaching that conclusion is like Mr. Toad's Wild Ride on steroids.  Sit-down, strap-in, shut-up and here we go.  I recommend that you take this film in small bits, maybe concentrate on each of the main characters individually to make more sense from the seemingly nonsensical whole.  Cheers to the entire cast for a job well done, Rating...a 3 star audit of your taxes, gird your loins.

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