Saturday, March 19, 2022

West Side Story


From the first whistle to the last chord, this writer was riveted to the screen.  I’m not one for remakes usually, but putting a new spin to this classic, just makes me want to watch it again and again.  Steven Speilberg, bless you, this is a master class in how to do it right.  The addition of Ms. Moreno, brilliant, Ned Glass is smiling from beyond.  The leads are up-and-comers in the industry and they’re all going to be bright and shining stars of the future.  The songs we all know interpreted differently, but satisfying.  The choreography is spot on.  Only drawback, and it’s fairly minor, no closed captioning in English when the characters are speaking Spanish.  Rating:  Speilberg, Sondheim, Bernstein, and Robbins to Speilberg, Sondheim, Bernstein and Peck---Uno, Dos, Tres, Magnifico!  



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