Sunday, June 14, 2020

The King of Staten Island

So here’s my take on the King of Staten Island, a semi-autobiographical dramedy starring Pete Davidson.  You know Pete, he’s on Saturday Night Live, looks a bit like a wonky version of Mick Jagger.  His mouth is huge, that’s why I said Mick Jagger, not a Grouper.  Anyway, he has a lot going on for someone who, at the age of 24, has been living with his widowed ER/School Nurse mother (Marisa Tomei), is trying to start up a business combining tattoos and food, a restaurant ink parlor, and I bet you can’t guess the name.  It’s actually pretty brilliant. The only drawback is that his talent hasn’t be honed to work in a parlor.  That being said, it’s rare that you, unless you’re living like this, get to see what happens if you’re directionless in life and making questionable, if not downright stupid, choices.   
His major relationships, mother-son, brother-sister, friends, girlfriend, mother’s new boyfriend (comedian Bill Burr) and the irony that he’s a fireman, just like Pete’s father who passed when he was 7 years old, are blended together beautifully.  There is plenty of drug use, swearing, not as much sex as you’d think, crimes gone way wrong and Steve Buscemi*, what more could you want?  I, for one, was just happy when the film stopped acting up, i.e., pausing and buffering in the middle of a scene, and got to see the whole shebang from start to finish (streaming can sometimes be fraught with peril).  Not recommended for children by any stretch of the imagination, but a good guide for parents who have kids that just can’t seem to leave the nest.   
Rating:  Bong hits for Jesus, belly button cat’s behind tat, mental health awareness celebration, and a hot time in the old town tonight…3.75 stars  *Was a New York City Fire Department Fireman (thank you for your service, Steve).  

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