Friday, February 16, 2018

Blade Runner 2049

So it’s 30 years in the future from what was supposed to be one year from now (2019), but the original film based on Philip K. Dick’s short story, “Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep?” was filmed in 1982 based on a post-apocalyptic world in 1992, and, if that doesn’t confuse you enough, the story was published in 1968.  There has been so much talk about A.I. in the last few months, this story is getting scarily more plausible.  We now have Siri, Cortana, Alexa, and probably, HAL, in the international space station.  Machines that talk to me make me uncomfortable.  I don’t want one of those little talking boxes, that can possibly monitor my every waking moment, in my house.  I live alone and some disembodied voice responding to what it thinks I’m talking to creeps me out, totally.  I use the internet probably just as much as the average person, but I’m a human being and I have a limited shelf life of, oh, I don’t know, 5 seconds to 100 years, depending on so many factors it hurts my organic brain.  So, what does this have to do with this much overdue sequel to what most of the men in my life have claimed to be “the best science fiction film, ever”?  Actually, it has everything to do with the first film.  Do you want to know what happened to Decker and Rachel?  Do you want to know if Decker was human or replicant?  Did Rachel have a “shelf life”?  When replicants are threatened, do they “blow a fuse” and that’s why they react so violently?  Why don’t humans realize that you can destroy something that’s trying to kill you, but that something can also be rebuilt and upgraded.  When am I going to get a flying car?  Is this a fantasy or is it the real thing?  Are we just an experiment that worked really well and every generation is a new version?  Why is Ryan Gosling so effing wonderful as “Joe”?  I think I liked him in this film more than I did in La-La Land, but that’s just me.  So many existential questions…to find out the answers to these and many more…survey sez…check it out.  Rating: 3.68 stars  Sweet dreams are made of cheese…

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