Friday, January 23, 2015

American Sniper

If any of you have read my reviews in the past, you know that I’m not fond of films that deal with war, the military, ultra-violence, psychotics, etc.  You get the idea.  This film deals with an issue that hits pretty close to home for me…PTSD.  Whether it was the Civil War or most recently dealing with ISIL, makes no difference…the job of a soldier is to defend and protect and follow orders.  Chris Kyle, as portrayed by Bradley Cooper, did just that.  If you saw the Hurt Locker or Ground Zero, or any one of the myriad of films that have come before it, then you know that what you’re going to see is not a pretty postcard picture of what life is like in any part of the world that’s struggling politically.  The person that takes on this or any other job that requires they pit life against life, is not going to come back from the experience, or in this case experiences, unchanged.  My criticism of this film would be that we didn’t get a real opportunity to get to know Chris all that much before he’s in a situation that he can’t opt out of.  The film is very well cast and Bradley Cooper is a standout as Chris.  It must have been extremely painful for his widow to see how close this was to what she lived and hopefully, she has some happier memories to share with their children.  Rating:  3 Booyahs.

Into The Woods

Several years ago, I got a VHS copy of the Broadway version of this musical starring Bernadette Peters, and a variety of actors that I had no idea could sing.  Nor had I seen some of them on anything other than the occasional television sitcom.  It was a very long play, as I recall, and I couldn’t tell you if I paid attention (I should have), or what any of the songs were, except the pivotal “Children Will Listen”.   When it was announced that it was being made for the big screen and the witch was to be portrayed by Meryl Streep, my ears perked up.  The long and the short of this film is be careful what you wish for because you just might get it, but at what cost.  Biggest surprise…Emily Blunt and Chris Pine…both can really sing and biggest non-surprise, but a total treat…Anna Kendrick.  It’s a divine ensemble and a wonderful romp into the woods and beyond.  So, the rating for la Streep and cast – a red cape, a bunch of magic beans, a pair of golden slippers, and hair the color of golden corn aka 4 stars.