Thursday, January 10, 2013

Beasts Of The Southern Wild

Our main focus for this independent film is the life of Hushpuppy and her daddy, Wink.  They, along with others, live on a delta island known as “The Bathtub” off the coast of Louisiana.  Hushpuppy is six years old and basically raising herself, learning survival skills meant for much older people.    She has a vivid imagination and a strong sense of loyalty to her daddy, her community, and a link to the universe as seen by her very young and impressionable eyes.  We all know about the results of Hurricane Katrina on New Orleans, but nobody, until now, has dealt with what it was like for those living on the other side of the levee.  It’s eye-opening and makes issues of poverty, independence, living life on your own terms, crystal clear.  I think they should start producing those Survivor shows in the United States in areas like the Bayou, the Appalachians, the Rain Forest, the Dakotas, or Alaska with nothing more than basics.  Very well done with unknown talent; has a sort of gritty, sooty, greasy, muddy feel to it, but that’s okay.  Rating:  3.75 stars

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