Monday, March 28, 2011

Tangled up in purple, oh my, what big eyes you have

Tomorrow Tangled will be available in every format known to man, woman, beast, or child. I finally got to see this "soon to be a Disney classic" at the Crest $3 Cinema on a Saturday afternoon with a full house of kids and parents. It's a combination of Beauty & The Beast, The Little Mermaid, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Hercules and anything else with a princess, magical powers, wicked witch-like step-mom (foster mother by kidnapping), greedy thugs, and a handsome prince to save the day, the princess, whatever...oh, and don't forget the animal side-kick. Songs abound, evil is ever present, and the princess is clueless. She has a lot of hair, the "prince" is a thief ala Aladdinesque and the mighty steed is a force to be reckoned with on it's own. The horse isn't exactly on our "hero's" side either. Anyhow, you know the basic fairytale, Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your golden hair, the guy climbs up and he's supposed to save her. Twist this around, a lot, add music, and make every one of the female characters have eyes the size of saucers. That was, surprisingly, the only thing that I found rather unnerving. Every one of the females have "Bambi-eyes" and small facial features in comparison. It's not as bad as watching a Keane painting from the 60's come to life, but close. Anyway, sorry to put that image into your heads, but couldn't help it. I liked this film just because I like animated musicals, always have, always will, it's part of my upbringing. Disney doesn't let you down here and the kids will love it, but more, teens and adults. Rating: 3 stars

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