Tuesday, May 17, 2022


Tangled up in blues with declarations of love to find, found, lose, assume, and realizations that you can’t always get what you want.  Hearts are fickle and Roxanne (Haley Bennett) is decidedly so or so it seems.  She was born into privilege, he was not and add to that he is of a diminutive stature and believes himself to be the freak he is labeled by the ignorant.  When you lack in one area of your life, you may need to sharpen your survival skills in other ways.  Definitely the case here for both.  Cyrano (Peter Dinklage) has  puppy dog eyes, a voice that would melt butter, the soul of a poet and is a giant among men even at 4’5”.  He is hopelessly in love with the fair Roxanne; he’s resigned himself to always being bullied, and never being able to consummate his love or even reveal it to her.  Enter Christian, a soldier who is part of Cyrano’s battalion and instant eye-candy to Roxanne.  He is likewise smitten at first sight and we’re off on a slippery slope to save the fair maid from a life of bondage to a lavicious Duke, the likes of which shouldn’t be allowed to touch Roxanne’s hem.  Tale as old as time, but this beast isn’t going to turn into a prince.  The music is purposeful and carries the film along almost as a background to the story.  It’s lovely, and bloody, and sumptuous, and melancholy.  This won’t be everybody’s cuppa tea, but it’s worth a go.  If only we could change the outcomes of classic stories.  Rating: 3.75 glorious stars