Saturday, September 26, 2015


This is coming out on video soon and I hope it’s better received than it was in the theater.  Banking on the premise that the future is bleak or non-existent without the skills of a girl who keeps breaking into NASA, we are taken to said future via a transporter button, it looks something like it stepped out of a comic book.  It instantly takes you to a wheat field in a prairie state, I’m thinking from Florida or Texas, or wherever these people live, and looks a bit like the Emerald City in the Wizard of Oz.  In an odd sort of way, it reminded me of a live action version of “The Robinsons” combined with elements of The Last Starfighter, Mockingjay, Star Trek, and about a zillion other sci-fi fantasies that have to do with quantum leaping and making the future so bright, you have to wear shades.   The main characters, of which there are three, include a rather scruffy looking George Clooney, a bright new up and comer, Raffey Cassidy, and the flavor of the year in the lead role, Britt Robertson, whom you may recall was the middle ‘desperately in love’ daughter in “Dan in Real Life”.  The cherry on top of this cake is Hugh Laurie…evil is as evil does, and nobody does evil quite as well as Hugh.  He can go from snarky funny to mean and nasty in 2.5 seconds.  So now I’m wondering if there’s going to be a new ride at Disneyland or Disney World that’s based on the film.  I’d go on it, now all I need is a magic transporter button.  Rating:  2.5 stars and rockets