Monday, September 30, 2013

Inequality For All

Feeling bummed out that you don’t have a spare 300 billion dollars to live life carefree and happy?  Yeah, me, too, but yah know, I’ll get over that as soon as I start making a livable wage, get health benefits that don’t eat up my wages, start working hours that don’t leave me sleep deprived and having to start my day with pain pills.  Bitter, not bitter, I’m just hopeful that somebody in government listens and acts accordingly, because history has been repeating itself.  This documentary is eye-opening for some and reaffirming to the rest of us.  Robert Reich, former Secretary of Labor, explains it all in a relatively short amount of time.  If you don’t agree, that’s fine, but at least listen to someone who’s been there, done that, and knows what he’s talking about.  As a part of the “Powder Blue Collar” workforce, I can see both sides of the issues and the forecast is not looking great for us unless some serious action is taken to provide for the people who really run the economy, i.e., the 99%.  Rating:  4 Stars at $24.95 an hour.